Thursday, November 8, 2012

what's wrong with our education system

what's wrong with our education system

    1/ According to Katherine Birbalsingh, the problem with UK's education system is that it lets children blaming the system for their fails, they don't take responsabilities, they think that the teacher is responsible for absolutely everything that happen at school : bad grades, bad behaviour...
    Kathering think that adults always make excuses for children, they don't let them being responsible for themselves. She says for example : « we created a culture where children would turn up to exams without a pen and they expect to be given one ! »

    2/ According to thi teacher, the problem exist because of the lack of freedom speech for teachers, if they criticize the system, they necessary implicate their school, so they stay quiet and the situation stays the same. She alson says that th UK created an « excuse culture » where we always try to find excuses for children's behaviour.

    3/ The minister government doesn't think that government is to blame for the problem, he thinks that their is a problem of discipline and education, he thinks that discipline, quiet places and good education are present in some schools and not in others, he agree in the fact that sometimes they are genuine reasons why children behave in a particular way, but he insists in the fact that teacher must be suported. He doesn't say who is to blame for that but he affirms that the governement is not to blame for that.
    4/ To improve the system, Katherin thinks that the excuse culture that they live in must change, children have to be responsible for themselves.

    5/ She woud want to empower teachers to be able to do what's necessary to bring back discipline in their schools, by giving them freedom, she thinks we need to trust teachers more.

In my opinion the education system in my country has several problems. The problem that

Katherine Birbalsingh talks about is also valid for france, we live in a country where, when a child makes a mistake, the parents come to blame the teacher ! Kids in france don't take responsabilities for what they do, and parents support them in that way. Last month, I heard on the news that a mother slapt a teacher in the face because she gave her child hours in detention.

Finally the children are not to blame for that, they just are victims of the eduation their parents gave to them, the solution would be to educate parents, to make them understand that teachers are not there to punish their kids, but to teach them, not only mathematic, history, or science, but also how they should behave .

This is not the only problem that exist in the education system in france, a problem that I personnaly had to face, is orientation ; in france when you are graduated from high school you find yourself completly lost, because the orientation counselor didn't do his job properly. I have the feeling that each counselor say exactly the same thing to every students who belong to the same spinneret. And I'm not the only person who thinks like that, every students whom i talk with, think exactly the same.

The solution to this problem would be to stop putting students in boxes and to really be interested by who they are and what they like, not just by what they study, i personnaly studied economy and today i study languages.

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