Friday, December 21, 2012

The Amish way of life

     The Amish is a religious community, they live like American pioneer. They live in North America, they are Christians and their beliefs are very strong. They settled in America and Canada around the XVIII century. They keep themselves away from the American society because of their religious beliefs; they think that if they stay away from the rest of their fellow citizens, they will avoid sins. Not only they separate themselves from American but also from the rest of the world, in fact, they don’t use modern technology: they don’t have TVs, electricity, computers, modern clothes, phones, etc….

They try to live exactly like their ancestors were living. They try to respect religious rules. Family is extremely important for them. This is why it is common to see an Amish family of fifteen persons. Also they don’t use contraception because it is forbidden by their religion. Divorced is forbidden too. Amish men can have several wives and they can’t decide who they are going to marry because the leader of every community decides for them. They speak a dialect cold “Pennsylvania Dutch”. They refer to non-Amish as “English”.

My opinion, is that their way of life must be really difficult, they are not allow to use technology and their religious beliefs bereft them from a lot of things. I think that they should try to make coexist their religion with the evolution of our society. Also, according to me Amish women are bereaved from liberty, for example they can’t use contraception and I think it’s already a lot. But in another way if they are happy in their faith, they should be allowed to live their lives as they want.

In November 2012, some people of the Amish community were victims of attacks by fundamentalists. The causes of those attacks were spiritual differences. If they want to be safe should they keep living this way??

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